To lift from want he left me afar
His thought makes my eyes blush the flower.

My pale tearful eyes betray
The hardness of my husband, away.

These arms that swelled on nuptial day
Now shrunk proclaim "He is away"

Bracelets slip off the arms that have
Lost old beauty for He took leave.

Bereft of bracelets and old beauty
Arms tell the cruel's cruelty.

Arms thin, armlets loose make you call
My sire cruel; that pains my soul.

Go and tell the cruel, O mind
Bruit over my arms and glory find.

The front of this fair one O paled
As my clasping arms loosed their hold.

Cool breeze crept between our embrace
Her large rain-cloud-eyes paled at once.

Pale eyes pained seeing the pallor
Of the bright forehead of this fair.