Plenty is their prosperity
Who're free from wrath, pride, lust petty.

Mean pride, low pleasure, avarice
These add blemishes to a prince.

Though millet-small their faults might seem
Men fearing disgrace, Palm-tall deem.

Watch like treasure freedom from fault
Our fatal foe is that default.

Who fails to guard himself from flaw
Loses his life like flame-lit straw.

What fault can be the king's who cures
First his faults, then scans others.

That miser's wealth shall waste and end
Who would not for a good cause spend.

The gripping greed of miser's heart
Is more than fault the worst apart.

Never boast yourself in any mood
Nor do a deed that does no good.

All designs of the foes shall fail
If one his wishes guards in veil.