Like play of chess on squareless board
Vain is imperfect loreless word.
Unlearned man aspiring speech
Is breastless lady's love-approach.
Ev'n unread men are good and wise
If before the wise, they hold their peace.
The unread's wit though excellent
Is not valued by the savant.
A man untaught when speech he vaunts
Sadly fails before savants.
People speak of untaught minds
"They just exist like barren lands".
Like painted clay-doll is his show
Grand subtle lore who fails to know.
Wealth in the hand of fools is worse
Than a learned man's empty purse.
Lower are fools of higher birth
Than Iow-bom men of learning's worth.
Like beasts before men, dunces are
Before scholars of shining lore.